Wednesday, February 24, 2010

help my snake plant??!!

I have a snake plant. hes abot 3 ft tall. he seems preety healthy i think, his shoots are green with a yellow border. They are firm, his roots are solid. I recently transplanted him into a much bigger pot seems how he was way to big for the other one this was about a month ago. He seems to be doing ok except there is some little white specks growing on his dirt wich i belive is mold maby. So i havent waterd him in a week plus i noticed a few knats on his dirt as well and im not to sure on how to get rid of them.... but what is bothering me the most is that all over on the top of his dirt i noticed little yellow colored almost look like seeds. i took a razer to one and cut it in half and it was filled with a white liquid ???But my plant has never flowerd. so im just wondering if they are seeds or maby some kind of bug eggs i donno. If anyone has any information on any of this please please let me know at It would be greatly appreciated Thanx